

In our relentless pursuit of architectural excellence, we specialize in creating visionary structures that harmoniously blend artistic innovation with engineering precision. Our team of talented architects and meticulous engineers collaborates seamlessly to transform unique concepts into tangible marvels. Guided by a commitment to pushing boundaries, embracing technology, and prioritizing sustainability, our portfolio stands as a testament to the seamless integration of art and science. Each project is a distinctive masterpiece, showcasing our dedication to creating enduring symbols of human achievement in the architectural realm.

Interior Design

In our Interior Design section, we excel in creating spaces that seamlessly combine aesthetics with practical functionality. This involves a meticulous fusion of form and purpose, ensuring that every element serves both visual and functional needs. Our approach emphasizes careful attention to detail in the selection of materials, colors, and furniture, resulting in visually pleasing environments that are also efficient and usable. Whether for homes, offices, or public spaces, our strategic design approach transforms each setting into a harmonious blend of visual appeal and purposeful functionality.


Step into the convergence of design and brand storytelling within our Installation and Pop-Up division. In this realm, we go beyond mere aesthetics, infusing our temporary installations with the strategic essence of the brands we collaborate with. Our design studio thrives on crafting unique urban experiences that not only captivate with artistic brilliance but also serve as powerful expressions of brand identity. From thought-provoking art installations that embody brand values to interactive pop-up experiences designed to engage and resonate, we meticulously weave brand narratives into the fabric of urban culture. Join us as we redefine the possibilities of design services, creating immersive, brand-infused environments that leave a lasting imprint on both the cityscape and the collective memory of its inhabitants.

Research Lab

Our Vision:
We envision a community where collaboration is the catalyst for groundbreaking ideas and where the synergy between diverse talents leads to extraordinary outcomes. Through  Research, workshops, talks, panels, and other engaging activities, we aim to create an ecosystem that nurtures creativity and pushes the boundaries of artistic expression.


— If you’re ready to take the leap or have any questions, feel free to shoot us an email at hello@fpa359.com
We can’t wait to hear from you and potentially welcome you into our vibrant community!—